Dear Apostles of my Sacred Heart, I have come to reveal the hidden treasures in my heart through my Last Calls to Love and Conversion to humanity.
Through my heart, the Holy Spirit, with the Calls to Love and Conversion, is revealing to my humanity, to my souls, to my Church which I love so much, the truth of my heart, truth in the light of the Word of God! But my calls have not been heard, my calls have not been heeded, because even most souls live in obstinacy, live in rebellion and disobedience.
My heart has come with so much mercy! To meet you and it has not been well received or loved, nor has it been obeyed.
How many warnings we have given! How many counsels of love we have given! How many teachings we have revealed to you! But your incapacity to open yourselves to love is immense, because still there is pride, still there is vainglory, still there is false humility.
Souls of my heart! I have shown you my heart full of mercy and you have rejected it. With my work of the Apostolate of our Sacred Hearts, we have desired to unite, we have desired to guide, we have desired to warn, and little and nothing has been attended to.
My heart suffers, suffers in you because your souls, by not listening to me, because your souls, by not returning to the Church and to the Sacraments, because your souls, by not obeying, are dying. Return to my heart! Listen to our Calls to Love and Conversion and obey! Because our Calls to Love and Conversion are the wishes of the Father for the apostles of our Sacred Hearts.
Surrender yourselves completely to my Heart and live our Calls to Love and Conversion. It is a promise to those who live our Calls to Love and Conversion, and who give themselves to work for the work of our Sacred Hearts, that divine providence will never forsake them.
But you trust so little in my words, and my words are truth, and my message is life, and this work is love, but you still do not believe.
My merciful love blesses you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.