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March 26, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary Mother and Queen of the triumphant army of Christ the King

Thank you, little children, for accepting my call and praying the Holy Rosary together with me, because with the Holy Rosary many battles are won. It is a weapon that my army must carry like a soldier when it goes to the battlefield, so you must go prepared with the Holy Rosary to win this battle. Use also the sacramentals. I manifest myself in the sacramentals to win this fight. Return to tradition.

In Fatima, I told my little ones that many fashions would come that would offend God, but these were not only fashions for the secular world, but also fashions that would infiltrate my Son’s Church, like Communion in the hand. Only consecrated hands can touch my Son in the Eucharist.

Love God and his sacred tradition and teachings, from my Son, to my eldest daughter the Church I say, believe in my words and the greatest of my revelations, Jesus, who is in the Church.

Dear children, pray for the priests, pray very much because Rome will be shaken and many of my consecrated ones will leave the service and will be dragged into error. Pray for the churches that are not united with the Holy Father, be one as the Father and the Son are one (Saint John 17: 21). 

Pray, pray, pray! In praying the Holy Rosary do not be divided and pray in this very special time the Way of the Cross. The liturgy of the Church on earth is the same as the liturgy of Heaven that is why my Son Jesus Christ does not want it to be changed.

Manuelito, you are my prophet. I sent you to unite my Army and tell them of my desire to unite my triumphant Army. With prayer and love we will make a fire that will not only blind Satan, but with love we will fulminate him.

Go back to the teaching of the apostles. Dear children I will form you in my Womb and you will be carried to the Shrine of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and from here you will be offered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of my Son Jesus and I will make you more like Him. My Son will bring you to the Father so that you may be one with the Eternal Father.

My Womb is the ark of salvation where I want to form you. Manuelito, my child, tell them to be one as I have taught you to be one with Me.

I love you and I bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.


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