Holy Saturday
My Mother’s heart, at that moment when I left my son in the Sepulcher, as I traveled again through those places where my son suffered, passing first through the Calvary, remembering the three places where he fell with the weight of the Cross, and passing over the Praetorium, over the garden… in every one of those places… accompanied by John and other women whom my son had healed, we prayed the prayer that Jesus had taught, the our Father, adoring those places that still had the fresh blood of Jesus shed on those stones, on that road … but my heart had remained with him in the Sepulcher.
When I returned to the upper room in Jerusalem, I sat there contemplating that table where my son had constituted the Holy Mass. How I wished to see him alive again! I longed so much for the Lord! And from the highest room of that house, I spent the whole night contemplating where the tomb had been erected, which was very close to Mount Calvary. If it had not been for the requests of these pious children, I would have remained outside in the tomb adoring in the Lord. I never doubted the promise of his resurrection, but the most tragic sorrow was not the death of my son, for he was God and would rise again; the sorrow I now suffer is the death of you, dear children.
My Calls to Love and Conversion guide you toward a true life. How many advices I have given you! How many teachings I have shared with my calls! But you, dear children, are continuously killing yourselves. You know what Heaven wants, but you do not obey it! You know what Heaven has asked, but you do not strive to live the Divine Will!
It is your knowledge what the Father wants you to do, but you do not do it and shut yourself away. Remember, dear children, selfishness becomes hypocrisy, hypocrisy becomes disobedience and in the end all sin takes away grace and peace.
Do not continue to die in your disobedience! Do not continue to die for your lack of obedience to my callings! You are in a very special time of grace, please repent, dear children! Change that you may rise with Jesus! I am a Mother who cares for you! Change, dear children, change your heart and let yourselves be transformed by his love! Change, my son is already near! Change your heart!
Dear child, lily of our hearts, I too am united with you and in this union of hearts, where our hearts are one. Let us wait for the Lord. Let us wait for him in reparation and in silence.
Dear child, your heart keeps me company in the loneliness that your brothers cause me, for as they do not obey Heaven, so do they turn away from the light and the truth.
Here is my Call for those who would take it and live it, to return to God. Here is my maternal blessing.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.