The Consecration of my Immaculate Womb in the Temple of the Lord.
Dear children, know that I was consecrated to the Lord for being the first born. Since my Consecration, the All Powerful Lord consecrated my entire being, and as redundancy as of that moment, He consecrated my Immaculate Womb. Light not darkness entered in my Womb, Purity and not the impious, Supreme Goodness. Nothing stained or soiled entered in It, because I was preserved by the Powerful from His Throne.
When I entered into the Holy Temple of My Father, I was happy and was filled of joy by contemplating my Savior, the God of Peace and of Love, who filled me with his Shadow and filled me of his Love. From there, my Womb was consecrated, molded, put apart from the flesh to be the First Sanctuary, the Eternal Tabernacle, the Ark of the New Alliance. Only my Womb was filled to give life in abundance, which is Christ, and my Son wants to give it to all of you. From his Throne that it is Me, only in that way, little ones, you must resemble Him.
Hide yourselves in my Womb saying:
“Mother, cover me and take me away from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the Blood with which you filled your Son. Cover me with that Most Pure Flesh and Blood and take me to the true Life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.”
Only in my Womb you will find a true way to be likened to my Son. I, since I was a child, went to the Lord, and when I was consecrated, the Lord endowed me the gifts and charisms for this great mission.
Am I not the one who is full of the grace of the Holy Spirit? Therefore, little children, from my Consecration in the Temple, my Womb was sealed as the Israelite homes were sealed in Egypt, when the Angel of the Lord passed through their streets destroying and annihilating everything that was not of the Lord. For that reason, only in my Womb, let Me annihilate, banish, all that is of the world and of the flesh and be filled with Jesus, with the thoughts of Jesus, with the life of Jesus. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.