My Sacred Heart expects from each one of you a real conversion, do not be like the hypocrites, who believing to say: Lord! Lord! will be saved.
Only those who live my words, and obey me with deeds, and truly live in love, will be those who will encounter my mercy. Therefore, I am continually inviting you to conversion, but you are continually disobedient.
Why don’t you understand and genuinely change? Don’t you see that you make me suffer when you are praying, but then you behave like the world? Why don’t you really change? What can Heaven do for you now, if you do not consider the sacrifice of the Cross?
Please, open your understanding. Change! Do not be like the reckless virgins, who because they believed that my coming was long-delayed, did not enter the banquet. Change, I beg you from the Cross, convert, stop behaving like the world! Are you not yet convinced that I love in truth? Are you not yet convinced that there is a Heaven and a hell in which you will be eternally?
I hope, that when you understand my message, it will not be too late, because I respect your freedom. Do not make me suffer, for I need to share my sufferings with souls who truly understand and love me.
For many men, even though they hear, they do not understand; even though they see, they do not believe; even though they experience, they do not change; they are stubborn hearts. You have the Holy Spirit so sad! How long will it be before you change? How long will it be before you live in peace? How long will it be before you understand that Satan looks for anything to create war, and unfortunately you become instruments of Satan? Oh, my children! How long will it be before you obey me?
I give you my blessing, but I hope you will truly change, what more do you want? What more can I do for you? Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills and stones your prophets! What more can I do for you? In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.