Little children of my Immaculate Heart, I wish you to open your hearts, because, as a Mother, I insist that all my children live in holiness, love and peace.
My little ones, I would like to remind you of my message of Fatima: offer sacrifices, and your sufferings, to Jesus, for the purification of your hearts and of the whole world; pray the Holy Rosary daily, consecrating yourselves to our Sacred Hearts, that of my Son and mine, so that you may attain, for you, the peace that comes from God, and your families may have peace, and you may practice peace.
Do not offend Jesus anymore, for he has been much offended. Currently, Jesus suffers much for your sins, the lack of love and peace, and for the sins of the whole world. Pray with the heart.
My message of Fatima has not been heeded, nor has it been obeyed, as Heaven desires. Make amends, my children, by truly obeying me. For the disobedience that men have had to my message, I want you, my children, to make reparation to my Immaculate Heart; may priests consecrated to our two hearts offer Holy Masses of Reparation and may all my children also unite in making reparation to our two hearts. Do not forget my messages, live them, which are for your good.
With a mother’s love I bless you in this very special time. My Immaculate Heart will triumph if you cooperate with my work. Have peace, live in peace. In the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.