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May 16, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

The children of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, children and apostles of the end times Dear children of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, you are the apostles of the end times, apostles of love and sorrow, apostles who suffer and love together with Me, your Holy Mother at the foot of the Cross. I want apostles who console my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, I call you and I summon you to conversion, to the Sacred Heart of my Son, be converted right now.

Children, I call you to conversion, conversion in love, peace, faith, in unity, unite with my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and fill yourselves with my graces.

Obey my Son, this is what your Mother longs for, remember that I told you: “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5), today I come again to tell you, do whatever He tells you. Know my Son in the Holy Eucharist and in the Holy Scripture, in it the will of my Son is revealed, in it you grow and live, my apostles, I am your Mother who teaches you. The world is very bad, because you do not love Our Lord and Father and consequently there is no love among you.

The world today is guided by paganism, selfishness and pride that reigns in the hearts of my poor children, I come to help save their souls. Open the doors because my Son is coming, be apostles of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart and please GOD our Lord who has been offended so much. My apparitions, manifestations to my chosen ones, visionaries and instruments represent my presence in the world and my intercession before the Throne of the Eternal Father.

I want the salvation of all children and I want them together in the return of my Son, therefore children, with prayer, sacrifice and penance prepare your souls, pray, pray, pray so that the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus may descend to the world.

Your Mother Mary, victorious Queen in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and in the Holy Trinity, loves you and blesses you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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