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May 18, 2016- Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Your soul, Bride of the Lamb

Jesus: Your little soul is the Bride of the Crucified.

The instrument: Jesus you are eternally the Love of the Cross but forgive my ignorance and tell me Jesus what are the bride souls.

Jesus: Little child, since Baptism, souls are freed from the slavery of sin. The soul is forgiven and consecrated to my Sacred Heart. That baptized soul is not only part of the Church but becomes the Church. Understand, child, that the soul is Church, united to My Mystical Body. The soul by being Church becomes My Bride, for the Church is My Bride. But today, in your actuality, souls have lost the awareness of being My Brides and the responsibility that comes with being My Brides. When a soul commits a sin, he is unfaithful to Me and to the Covenant of Love that I signed with My Precious Blood on the Cross of Calvary. Son, each Holy Communion is a renewal of our spiritual union. When you receive Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, an eternal betrothal of the soul and the Lamb of God occurs again and again.

The instrument: Jesus what you are asking me to understand in your Divine Will this Mystery of Love.

Jesus: My Mother, Lady and Queen of the Messianic Wedding, helps you understand this Mystery of Love and Redemption, but as an introductory part, and requested by My Father in Heaven, it is necessary to first consecrate oneself to Her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. From her Most Pure Heart as Daughter, Mother and Spouse, you will understand and experience the delights of the Most Holy Trinity. If souls and the world do not surrender themselves to her Purest Heart, they will not find the Truth. Not because I do not wish it, but because her Immaculate Heart is the only one that has abandoned itself fully and believed without hesitation in My Divine Trinitarian Will of Love and Mercy.

The instrument: Jesus, then the Heavenly Mother is the Door of Salvation to really encounter You.

Jesus: Yes, Door of Salvation, that is, that she is Coredemptrix. Until our Blessed Mother is recognized as My Perfect Collaborator in My Plan of Salvation and Coredemptrix of Souls and of the Church, the world, humanity, will not understand My Words and will not accept My Requests.

The instrument: Thank you Jesus, for being my Master; you always show me your Love, teaching me the Truth.

Jesus: Because I love you, I teach you the Truth. My son, I love you and I bless you. Consecrate your little soul with My Precious Blood, My Bride. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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