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How My Heart desires that you were in love with me! I do not want you to believe only; I want you to be in love with me, as I am with you. Souls, I did not think to guard my life; when I knew that to save you, I must die, I did not hesitate to say to my Father, ‘Here I am’; I did not hesitate. For I love you and gave myself up without a thought to save you, even though I knew the torment involved. Souls, I love you, what more can I do to convince you that I love you? I gave myself up on the Cross. I give you my body and my blood to eat and drink.

I am giving the Last Calls to Love to humanity, so that you may know my mercy. How else can I convince you that I love you? It is you, soul, who put conditions on the love I have for you. It is you who want to be alone. It is you who wants to remain sick. My arms are open. I want to be with you. I want to heal you. But you will not let yourself. Just love me! Love me with zeal and with madness! And that is enough for me to do my work in you. My Apostolate is a pledge of Love from my Heart, which I give to humanity currently. And with this work I have wanted to embrace the entire world. You see the light and you do not come near! You see the refuge and you go away! You see my Love and my pain, and you become indifferent! Soul, I Love you, return to my Heart.

Little lily, crucified by Me and with me, sorrow is part of the mystical incarnation of Our Holy Hearts in yours. Do not be sad. Sorrow makes you beautiful to me, little son, and the sorrow you give me, offered in holocaust, greatly consoles my heart and alleviates the sorrow of our Mother. Lily, crucified with me, may the zeal that the Holy Spirit has placed in your heart make you a voice, calling the world to surrender to my Heart.

The Immaculate Heart of my Mother and the Holy Spirit also consecrated you one day as a victim soul. For three things: to console, to make amends and to atone to Our United Sacred Hearts, for the holiness of all souls consecrated to God and, finally, so that the whole world may know and receive the Divine Love of my Heart. And for these three things, you suffer, my son; but pain completes you, makes you great for me and strong in the spirit.

How I wish that the world, at the end, could receive the love that I have for it! Humanity I love you and I bless you! Receive the Love that I have for you! Humanity, listen to the Lord!

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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