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May 19, 2016 – A Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My faithful remnant will have two protectors.

The Blessed Mother: My little one, my Immaculate Heart is coming to meet you.

The instrument: Kind Mother, tell me what you want me to learn today.

The Blessed Mother: My son, you remember that I taught you about the mission of Saint Joseph, the just man, who will be to guard all the apostles of our Sacred Hearts. And the mission of Saint Michael, the Archangel of the Lord, which will be to lead the Marian Army and to wage and win the battle against Satan.

The instrument: Yes, Heavenly Mother, I remember that message.

The Blessed Mother: For now, little one, I have entrusted my remnant faithful to the intercession of two holy souls who are an example of love, courage, and predilection for my maternal love: Saint Philomena, Patroness of the children of my Immaculate Heart, and little Saint Tarcisius.

Little one, these two souls have been zealous for Jesus Christ, seeking above all the greater glory of God.

My Faithful Remnant must implore the intercession of Saint Philomena, whom I visited in her sufferings and martyrdom. She will protect souls consecrated to my Immaculate Heart and is an example of evangelical fidelity and radicalism.

And now, little one, I have also entrusted my little martyr Saint Tarcisius to pray for the faithful remnant, that they may learn from this child the zeal and love of the Holy Eucharist, which just as he gave his physical life to defend my Son. My faithful remnant, also give their lives through prayer, Eucharistic adoration, and reparation.

My son, these two holy souls will intercede for my people so that they may be faithful to the surrender they have made to my Immaculate Coredemptive Heart, and so that they may be adorers and repairers of the Holy Eucharist, which is my Son Jesus Christ given out of Love.

The instrument: Thank you Heavenly Mother, for this teaching and for these two great saints who protect us.

The Blessed Mother: My little one, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta accompany you and intercede for you.

The Instrument: Thank you Mother, I abandon myself to you.

The Blessed Mother: I love you, my little one, and I give you my Maternal Blessing.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.


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