My Sacred Heart is your nourishment. Come and eat of my Sacred Heart, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. In each Holy Consecrated Host, I am alive and present, touching my children, the souls that I have redeemed with my Precious Blood shed on Calvary.
Dear children, my beloved people, my Sacred Heart wants the conversion of all, but very few are attentive to the Voice of the Good Shepherd. My Holy Vicar, the Pope, suffers much. Pray for him. Great spiritual wars exist in my people because they do not understand each other and because they do not unite their very small will to my Divine Will, which is one and never changes.
My children obey my Mother. She is the Treasurer of the Graces of Heaven. Obey her. My Sacred Heart suffers greatly when you criticize, when you mock, and when you doubt my Words spoken through the holy mouth of my Mother.
My children, until when will you listen to my Voice? The world has very little time left to see my Words being fulfilled. Woe to those who did not listen to me, woe to those who disobeyed, woe to the unbelievers, for I have also called them, and they did not obey me, rejecting my Holy Spirit.
My children, my faithful remnant, pray and make reparation. And do not grow weary of gathering in your Cenacles of Prayer to unite in holy love with me and my Mother in Heaven. To all my children scattered throughout the world, I call you to begin to gather in small Cenacles of Prayer like the first communities of my apostles and disciples around my Blessed Mother.
With the power of my Blood and the anointing of my Sacred Wounds.
I give you my blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
