My dear children, I show you my Heart so that in it, you may deposit your prayers and supplications, which I will present before my Son Jesus Christ, and He will deliver them to the Eternal Father, from the Cross, the Cross of Love and Reconciliation.
My children, I invite you to pray so Jesus may reign in your hearts. Pray much and pray truly. Contemplate my Son on the Cross, and do not be afraid to abandon yourselves in Love.
Little children, pray earnestly so that your prayers may weaken Satan. Every child of God consecrated to the Lord at Baptism has the graces necessary to overcome the devil, the world, and the flesh.
Little children, with your prayers, rescue the families which are greatly subjected to Satan's influence. All this illusionism of man - of creating families according to his tastes and pleasures - is pure fantasy that Satan has placed in the hearts of men to lead them away from the project of the Eternal Father.
My children, pray much for Satan is attacking with great force the families and the Church of my Son. Be strong in the Holy Spirit and live in the Love of God.
I love you, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
