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May 24, 2015 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Heart of Jesus

My Sacred Heart is agonizing.

Dear child, my Sacred Heart agonizes when I see souls, and I see lukewarmness, coldness, and little love for me, for I am an eternal lover, but my love demands sincerity.

See, little one, that when I turn my gaze upon the world… I shed tears of sorrow when I see only death and sin.  Many want to follow me but with my adversary at their side. Others decide to give a resounding and definitive “no” to my invitation. This is the loss of faith, announced by my Apostle Paul. Much is already being fulfilled, from my Words of the Gospel.

But woe to these souls who waste my Graces and who, by their lack of surrender, will give an account because they have despised the price of their redemption, my Precious Blood! But those souls who are sprinkled with my Precious Blood will be restored, built up, and planted like beautiful flowers in my Father’s garden.

Dear child, I have already come as a Good Gardener to collect my roses. My little one, I am asking the souls… are they ready to receive me? Or will they be the dry leaves that the fire will consume? Oh humanity! Our United Hearts, that of my Holy Mother and mine, suffer for what has to be accomplished, because many things will happen. That is why I say to the faithful sheep of my fold, pray, pray, pray, let your hearts not become weary of prayer.

Pray for the Church whom I shall glorify on the Cross as the Eternal Father glorified me, because the bride must resemble her spouse, or are not the two one and the same? My Church, my Mystical Body, is my Bride, whom I will purify so that she may be free, clean and pure for the New Jerusalem because my Church is every soul consecrated to me since its Baptism and you must, each one of you, cleanse yourselves to be dressed in the festive garment at the wedding of the Lamb.

My child, thank you for suffering with me. Are you ready to receive me? I love you and I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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