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May 3, 2015 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Be docile to the word of God.

I call you to conversion, to prayer with the heart and to the practice of fasting. My dear children, while the world is becoming deaf to the voice of God, you try to pray more so that you may be docile to the word of Jesus.

I call you to a change of heart, with sincerity so that you will no longer offend the Father, who is very offended by the sins of this generation. I invite you to open your hearts with prayer in order to fulfill the mission that the Father has entrusted to you. I protect you all because you are all my children and I keep you all in my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, pray that the Triumph of our United Sacred Hearts may come soon. Pray, pray for the Church and for the conversion of sinners. Pray that you may not be afraid to give yourselves totally to Jesus and thus the Holy Spirit will work in you. When you know the love of the Lord, ask for that love for your brothers, to heal, to build, to edify. Do not be afraid, dear children, to give yourselves totally to Jesus for he is the one who knows what you really need. Open your hearts to peace, for peace to reign in you and in your families.

Pray the Holy Rosary as a family for the world, this way my intentions will be realized and the Eucharistic Reign of Jesus will come to you soon. I have blessed these roses for you to bring my maternal love and my maternal graces into your homes. Thank you, dear children, for listening to your heavenly Mother. I love you and I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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