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Dear children, my invitation to humanity is to invoke the Divine Maternity.

The Divine Maternity, little children, consists in the fact that God became Man in my Immaculate Womb, but He did not cease to be God. I embraced God as Son, and God took from Me, Flesh and Blood, to become Man.

Children, the mystery of the Divine Maternity consists in the fact that I, a creature, was the Mother of the Lord, God and true Man.

The mothers of the world should invoke this grace, so little known but so loved by Jesus, that in governing their children, they may direct them according to the Holy Spirit and not according to human criteria. For the Holy Spirit is the source of true wisdom and knowledge. And if we live and form the children in the spirit of the world, they will be filled with selfishness, pride, arrogance, haughtiness, and even practical atheism.

Therefore, children, teach the little ones that God comes first. The first thing children must learn is to obey the Ten Commandments so that they may avoid sin and misfortune. Children, the world ignores the Words of the Lord, and even many will continue to ignore my Son's teachings because today, men's hearts are not open.

Little children, you cry out for the Divine Motherhood to let my Immaculate Heart of Maternal Love rule your children, rule your families, rule your lives.

There is wisdom where my Immaculate Heart is because I am the Throne of Wisdom. Daughters, do not forget to invoke the Divine Maternity daily upon your ministry of motherhood to guide your children with love, with wisdom and, above all, in the Spirit of the Lord, which is the most important thing: to love and serve the Lord.

I love and bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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