Message of hope.
My dear child, my message of Fatima was a Call to Hope. If the world changes there will be hope, but still many do not obey my Father’s designs; some because they do not know them, others because they do not have faith.
Manuelito, Fatima will light up like a beacon of light for the world. The year 2017 will be a year of great events, a year of awakening the world from its lethargy.
Pray the Holy Rosary very much, do not be afraid to express the desires of our United Sacred Hearts. Our Triumph and Reign, little one, is near. Do not be disturbed, nor let peace be taken away, but persevere and be courageous. You will be with me after a well won fight.
The Church will be awakened and the hierarchy will react. Pray for them, for the ministers of the House of my Son.
I love and bless you, you are the special son of Fatima. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin