I am the Mother of the Word and the Mother of the End Times. I have come to gather the Faithful Remnant. I have come, as a Mother, to reunite the Family. In these End Times I come only to remind, explain, and teach the Gospel of my son Jesus.
With our Calls to Love and Conversion we do not intend to change, add, or remove the Divine Revelation, but we come to remind, teach and preach it.
Therefore, my children, whenever you meditate on my Calls, do it along with the Holy Gospel, every day read the Word of God and put it into practice.
My children, I say to you: live happily! live in the joy that the Gospel wants to convey to you! the joy of Salvation!
Feel loved. When you feel loved by God, your life will change, your way of seeing things will change, and your sense of pain, suffering and trials will change when you know that you are loved. Never forget that you are loved by God, and the day you feel loved, your life will change, everything will change.
I invite you to read the Letter of the Apostle Saint Jude and to meditate on it with your Heart.
I bless you with motherly love, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.