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The Divine Spirit is pouring down a torrent of grace for all mankind through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of our Lady, by means of this great work of the Sacred Hearts and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is giving an infinite ocean of mercy so that, in this same Holy Mercy, the Adorable Trinity is calling men to conversion.

The Apostolate and the Calls to Love are the announcement of the Triumph of Mary and the Reign of the Lamb of God. And for the Faithful Remnant to prepare themselves to receive this Glorious Reign of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, they send me, Saint Theresa of Jesus, to guide you with the Calls to Love, for you to penetrate more deeply into the spiritual journey through the Mansions of Perfection and, in these Mansions, to discover, step by step, the infinite Love of Jesus that calls you to holiness and perfect union with him.

Through the Chaplet of the United Sacred Hearts, which can also be called the Chaplet of Perfection, the Holy Spirit and the Sacred Hearts help you to live this journey, that is, they guide you on the Path to Perfection. It is important that you understand the urgency of listening to, believing in, and living these last Calls to Love and Conversion for all humanity and, with the help of Heaven, growing on the path to perfection through the Mansions.

I, Saint Theresa of Jesus, pray before the Mother and the Son so that your hearts may be open to the greatness of this work of the Holy Spirit.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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