If the world knew My Sacred Heart.
My little one, if humanity were to plunge into the abysses of My Sacred Heart, it would leave its life of sin, would allow itself to be transformed by me, would forgive, love, heal, and free itself, but they live tied to their failures and falls, and they cry; they are distressed, but still, their grudges and illnesses. It’s those sheep that are moving away from the fold. They suffer and they cry, they are distressed, but still they run away from the Shepherd and do not want to be brought back to the flock. Thus, my child, there is humanity, it does not love, it does not yearn, nor rest in my Sacred Heart.
How much I have loved them and how little they have responded to my Love. I love you, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.
