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Apostle and messenger of my Eucharistic Heart, the least of the prophets of the Lamb, transmit to my Faithful Remnant, the apostles of the Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, these Last Warnings to mankind.

My Apostles, I wish that you build or consecrate buildings that are Centers of Spirituality of the Apostolate, these Centers will bear the name of Cenacle of the Sacred Hearts. These Cenacles must have a chapel, that with the due permission from the shepherds, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated and the Devotion of Perpetual Adoration will be established.

The Tabernacle must be in the center, and the Cross that rises on the Altar must be the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, just as I present myself to my little crucified one, with the Eucharistic Heart and the Rays of Mercy.

In the Chapel must be enthroned all icons of the apparitions, the banners and the Holy Patrons of the Apostolate.

On the outside, and in a visible place, you must erect the Glorious Cross of the United Sacred Hearts.

And, in addition to my apostles coming together to pray the devotions of my Apostolate, to live the Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration and Spiritual Retreats, you must also perform concrete works of mercy: teaching, giving food, medicine, shelter, love and attention to the poor Christs.

I want my apostles, in addition to praying, to begin to work performing the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.

These Cenacles will be Beacons of Light and Love in the world and will be for me another Bethany, the resting place of your Jesus.

Dear children, do it! Make known my Last Calls to men. These Cenacles that you build will be the Marian shelters of the End Times.

With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I bless you and I send you.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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