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Dear children, my Immaculate Heart is the channel of Grace. No Blessing or Grace from the Most Holy Trinity passes to you except through my Immaculate Heart because the Most Holy Trinity has its tabernacle and living temple in my Immaculate Heart.

Children, learn from my teachings, and obey my messages. As a good Mother, I show you the right path for your good, but the eternal Good. The Lord does not promise you happiness and joy on Earth. Because you must purify your sins, your faults of love, but if you persevere and strive, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart, you will achieve everything, for the strength is Love. If you truly love my words, you will obey me. Only a heart that loves belongs to my Marian Army. Hearts that do not love, since they do not have love, neither listen to me nor obey me.

My children, pray so that you may achieve perseverance; pray so that you may love. For true Love is given by the Holy Spirit, whom the world has forgotten.

My children do not reject your Mother, who loves you. As she loves you, she corrects you and teaches you, for I am concerned about the number of souls that are being lost.

Children, offer your sufferings for the souls who are condemned. Do not worry about how much you suffer. Let your suffering be hidden. Be concerned about how much you love. And let your love be seen by other men so that they may know Jesus.

Pray! Pray! Pray for yourselves! Pray for Nicaragua! Because of man's lack of love for Creation, Nature is being destroyed. A natural disaster is about to befall Central America, for the Earth cries out for justice for the sins of men.

Dear children, worry about obeying my messages. My messages are the Words that I have heard from Jesus, and I transmit them to you. If you reject the Mother, you reject the Son. And whoever rejects the Son rejects the Heavenly Father who is with Him.

Children, repent and return to God with sincere hearts, prayers, and sacrifices, for my Son loves you. And the greatest happiness consists in being united to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

My children, respond to our invitation as soon as possible. The hour is urgent, the time is short, and my children's deliverance is drawing near. Please understand that I am concerned about your salvation. But everything here is fleeting; heaven or Punishment is eternal. Be true Christians and my true children. I give you my blessing.

I bless the Advent Wreath. The Advent Wreath represents the path of my children from darkness to Light. And so in this time I come to you to give you Light so that you do not allow yourself to be seduced by the darkness that envelops you, though you do not see it; but it is entering the hearts of my poor children. Pray and watch for the day and the hour the Father knows.

My Son is ready to come to take His faithful, only those who let themselves be marked with His Precious Blood; those who made the effort, those who were courageous, those who were not afraid to open their hearts to Jesus Christ.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.

My children, the time is urgent; the souls are urgent. Listen to us! A ball of fire threatens the Earth. Managua and Granada are flooded. Pope Francis' life is in danger. Golden letters above say: Children awaken!


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