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The instrument: God the Father is here. He brings in His hands a book and on top of the book a lamb.

God the Father: Creatures, I am a Tender Father; I am a loving Father. I am not the punishing God, but I am just. I am not the God who exterminates peoples, but I purify souls. I am Love, I am Justice. I am Mercy and I am Righteousness.

My children, I am the Father of the Lamb of Sacrifice. I desire, my dear children, that in these end times of your time you recognize me as God the Father of the Lamb of Sacrifice, because it is the moment to glorify and exalt the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. It is the moment when all armies of the Lamb of God, formed by the Woman clothed with the Sun, the Immaculate, the Sorrowful, My Daughter and Your Mother, shall rise and proclaim the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart, and the Eucharistic Reign of the Lamb of Sacrifice of the New and Eternal Covenant shall come.

My children, to live the Reign of Love and Peace of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, you must first live now the Kingdom of the Word of God because by knowing My Word, you will know My Will and live in fullness My Reign of Love and Peace. First, My children, is living the Word of God and putting into practice the words of My prophets.

Children, like the lost coin that was lost but allowed to be found, so must you, so must humanity, which is lost in the world, allow itself to be found through the Mercy that I have manifested to you in the Sacrifice of this Lamb.

I am a Tender Father; I love you all. Listen to My prophets. I give you My Blessing. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.


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