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My dear son and little victim of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart:

The Mystical Incarnation is the Seventh Mansion of sanctity. Through the Holy Spirit, my Sacred Heart and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Holy Mother have been mystically incarnated in your heart.

The Most Holy Trinity, in this Mystical Incarnation, has celebrated its spiritual marriage with your soul, that is to say, by means of the Mystical Incarnation your soul has been espoused to the Trinity and, in this union, you live the first fruits of the Wedding of the Church with the Lamb. By the Gift of the Mystical Incarnation, too, you have been granted to feel and suffer with the Church and to offer yourself for her, for my spouse the Church.

With the Mystical Incarnation that I have granted you, you espouse yourself to Me, and in Me, with the Father and the Spirit, and with Me you offer yourself to the Father also for my priests, so that all may understand that on the Altar, too, they live the Mystical and Priestly Incarnation.

This is the greatest Gift I have wanted to give you: the Incarnation of our Two Hearts in yours, to make of your soul another Jesus, another Mary. And this is the greatest Gift that the Holy Spirit has given to your soul to love and serve as herald of the Reign of Our Two Hearts.

My little nothing, every First Thursday of the month, in a perpetual way, pray the Chaplet to My Sacred Eucharistic Heart meditating on the Seven Interior Sorrows of My Heart. Every First Thursday of the month live the Holy Mass, meditate on the Seven Sorrows of my Heart in the Chaplet to the Eucharistic Heart and pray for all priests and all offenses against this Sacred Sacrament of Orders.

My little Jesus-Mary I bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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