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Man, the human being, always has a need for the Absolute, for the Real, for the Truth. In the Heart of man is the insatiable thirst for the Truth and man goes astray seeking the Truth elsewhere, and in situations, and not at the Source of Truth, which is God. Some souls who have known the Truth turn away from it, because it demands from them radicalism and rectitude. Other souls with longing for the Truth want to become gods, and these souls get lost through pride and arrogance, as happened to those who had the Tower of Babel built. The proud one is confused due to the same pride. Other souls want to seek and believe that they have found the Truth by following beliefs, religions and practices contrary to the Truth itself.

Carmelite, man does not want to recognize the Truth in the Gospel, and the Person of Jesus Christ, and the only Church founded by Him. Man has a longing for the Truth, but that Truth is God. The human Heart, which dislikes to accept corrections and commands, moves away from the Divine Precept, because the human Heart is sprinkled, and sometimes overflowing, with pride and self-love, which wants to find its own truth, and the only thing it does is get confused. Carmelite, humanity longs for God, longs for the Truth, wants to meet the Absolute, but the human Heart is so proud to recognize that it needs to meet God. But the souls who recognize the absence of God and yearn for His Presence, give permission to God, through His Spirit, to begin to lead them on the Path of Life and the Mansions of the Kingdom. 

God wants to lead the souls on the Path of Perfection, which begins with the recognition that God is needed in the Heart, and that the soul must enter into His Mercy, let itself be loved by the Bridegroom, and be docile to the Path of Perfection on which the Heavenly Bridegroom wants to lead the soul. The soul, however, without realizing it, often begins to walk through every Mansion of the Heavenly Kingdom. The first step on this spiritual Path is humility, acknowledgement of sin, desire for holiness; namely, the opposite of pride and arrogance of life.

Carmelite, your Heart is in that Transforming Union, where the creature shapes itself to its Creator and aspires to the yearnings and desires of the Bridegroom alone.

I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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