First Saturday of the month
Dear children, place your trust in my Immaculate Heart and, through it, in the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that, walking through it, you may find Peace.
Children, you are called to holiness. My Immaculate Heart is the help that the Holy Spirit sends to guide the children of the Lord to holiness, faith, and hope.
My apostles never tire of praying; by praying, they gain many graces for the whole world. My Immaculate Heart is atoned when my children pray with faith, love, and a sense of making reparation for the offenses that poor sinners inflict on my Heart, but I love them and bless them.
Thank you for your efforts to give me the Fiat, the Be it done, and to let me act in your hearts according to the Divine Will of my Son.
My Immaculate Heart is your help, strength, and light to reach the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus.
Holiness comes from the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit, and I, as Mediatrix and Advocate, give this holiness to the children who, with faith and disposition, invoke it.
Thank you for responding to my Call.
Mary, Queen of Peace and Love, loves and blesses you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
