Dear children, I desire that you pray with your heart to console the Heart of my Son, wounded and rejected by the sins of humanity.
Children, I know your sufferings, pains, the crosses that you must bear day by day; if you unite your pain to the pain of my Son it will have a coredemptive value, by uniting on the cross with my Son, and the pain that you offer will bring many graces, especially of conversion for your own families.
Children, also, suffering has many graces, and suffering offered rescues souls. My Marian Army must be concerned with rescuing souls.
Children, concern yourselves with the things of my Son and propagate devotion to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Now the Holy Family of Nazareth is in charge of your works.
Children, if the world obeys my Messages, many souls will be saved. Children, pray, pray much for all mankind; offer your pains so that the world may be saved. I am with you and, as I said in Fatima, do not fear.
I give you my blessing; I bless what you have placed at the feet of the Altar. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.