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The Instrument: While I was praying, I heard her voice, but immediately I could see her.

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus: Little brother of Carmel, Elijah of the New Time of the Immaculate Heart, I greet you on behalf of Our Mother of Carmel, who in her title of Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is fully glorified in God.

Little son of Carmel, while I was on earth, I was a little flower that planted in the garden abandoned myself totally in the hands of the Divine Gardener. I did not climb with human efforts, because I would have achieved nothing; I climbed the Mount of Perfect Love from the hands of my Jesus. This is the spiritual path: to grow, to go and to be fruitful, wherever Jesus calls us, for his glory, salvation of souls and the good of the Church.

You, as a little prophet, must follow this little path, just by letting yourself be guided by Jesus and trusting in his love for you. But, my brother, I ask you a request from Jesus, that your service of love may also lead you to tell the truth, to announce and denounce, to preach and to denounce, because the souls in this time, as it has never happened in previous times, are condemning themselves by the thousands.

My brother, Heaven is with you. Do not be afraid of going out to the world and illuminate it with the Calls to Love and Conversion. Let us bless the Lord, little brother: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.

Note: Garden refers to the Carmelite Monastery of Lisieux


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