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You do not believe my Holy Spirit.


The instrument:


In prayer, I asked my Jesus about an intention I had in my heart to pilgrimage images of my Holy Mother, to which Jesus immediately told me:




The pilgrim images of my Mother will obtain my blessing​. ​They will go into the world and will extend, with the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of my Mother, my Eucharistic Reign.


Each image will be like a net, fishing souls for my Sacred Heart. I will grant them—like a channel of grace—the Gift of Conversion and my Love. Extend the Kingdom of my Father in our Two United Most Sacred Hearts in humanity.


Dear son, my Sacred Eucharistic Heart bleeds with love because men rejected my Love. With your lives of sin, you wound and make me agonize again, no longer on Calvary but in the solitude of your hearts.


Dear son, my Sacred Heart has always borne all the world's sins out of love and mercy. The Holy Spirit has always wanted to renew the Alliance with its people, but they are always unfaithful to our Alliance of Love.


In La Salette, we sent my Father and I, in the Holy Spirit, to my beloved Mother to rekindle the Flame of Love and Faith, making a hopeful Call to the world and my Church, but no prophet is accepted in his people. My prophets are not accepted in my Church because many hearts try to direct my Church with experiences and not with the action of my Holy Spirit, rationalizing all the graces, and my graces are not for reason but so that they may be accepted, with faith, in loving hearts. Only those who have holy love will recognize Holy Love in the manifestations of my beloved Mother and the Words I transmit to you.


In my Church, a terrible war is breaking out in the hearts. It is a war of human wisdom against the Wisdom of God, a war of those who seek to distance the demonstrations from my Church.


Before all faith, however weak it may be, is extinguished, I sent my Holy Mother in La Salette, in the whole world, and to you so that, when I return, I may find a Faithful Remnant who has defended my Cause. This Faithful Remnant will unite faith and reason, understanding my Holy Spirit with reason, but from the faith​, they will obtain by living my Calls and obeying the prophets.


There are two great Armies in my Church: those who believe and accept the message and those who, rejecting my Holy Spirit, move farther and farther away from my Sanctuary, leaving my House alone.


Little son, the time of the desolation of my house is at hand, and the time of the abomination within my sanctuary is in fullness.


Children who believe and are children always see the fruits of the Holy Spirit ​and never doubt his actions. What my Holy Spirit does is out of love; you will understand it from the Holy Love. I will never cease to manifest myself in my Church.


Little son, this Apostolate is a recruitment of souls for my Sacred Heart. Many will reject my Work because it is from God and not from man; it is for God himself and not for men. Only those who are children and accept it as children will feel my Love in this sublime and final mission.


This Apostolate will keep the Church united in the occult and the rejection​ of the coming schism.


Pray. I love you and hold this Work in my Hands because it is of my Hands and not of the world, and since it is not of the world, it will always be persecuted.

In the end, it will be the faithful group that will rise, living faithful and preparing with me my Eucharistic-Marian Reign in the world.


I bless you.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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