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Little nothing:

In the love of the heart of the Immaculate, which is the fire of Divine Love, I give you to the Son and with the Son to the Father, as an oblation and as a victim soul.

It is through me, God the Holy Spirit, that Jesus Christ has imprinted on you, his divine wounds on the Cross, piercing with love: your hands, your feet, your side, your back, your shoulder, three thorns, surrounded by Divine Love, on your head; which make reparation for the continuous forgetfulness of humanity of the presence of God.

It is through me, the Holy Spirit, that the miracle of the mystical Incarnation of the Divine Heart of the Son and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of the Mother has been accomplished in your little heart.

And it is a ray of Divine Fire that has marked you with this ring¹, invisible but real, which represents your Covenant with the Three Hearts. It is a golden ring representing the glory or ¹the three red pearls or red diamonds representing the Three Hearts. You have always been given the grace to see it, some other brothers will see it as a sign of a manifestation of God for them.

But all these graces that have been given to you come through me, the Holy Spirit, and so that you give testimony of living in the Covenant of Love in Jesus and Mary, and that all mankind, through these Last Calls and through the Apostolate, may live the Divine Covenant.

It is in Jesus and Mary that all humanity will be able to recognize the love of the Father.

And from this Refuge of the Divine Love of the Two Hearts I bless you and all those who accept these Last Calls to conversion.

And together with Our Lady we present you to the Father as an oblative victim:

o For the holiness of all God’s ministers: the Holy Father, bishops and priests.

o That the world may receive the love of the Heart of God.

o And, for the coming of the Reign of the Sacred Hearts.

For these three special intentions you offer your spiritual crucifixion with Jesus, in Jesus, for the Father, and for the good of the whole Church and of your brothers and sisters.

Therefore, not only with your words but also with your living you transmit the Call of Love, the last warning to conversion.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.     

Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.

¹ Call to Love and Conversion May 13, 2020


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