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You have not listened to your Mother.

Dear son, the Church is now in a terrible crisis, a crisis of faith that is turning into war in a divided People.

The People fight against themselves, causing a great wound of division and desolation.

As Mother of the Church, I wanted to warn the consecrated and all my children about what would happen if they did not obey what my Son Jesus Christ asked of them. But now, after the darkness of my adversary has entered many hearts, stolen the faith, and given a deep lethargy, these poor hearts fall into darkness and confusion that leads many souls behind, and thus, many are lost and astray from the true Path.

As Mother of the true Way, Jesus Christ, and with the Word of the Holy Spirit, I have admonished and insisted with my manifestations that they will be reaching the clutches of the adversary, but they have not listened; they have not listened to what the Lord wants to transmit to his Universal Church, rationalizing everything, trying to understand God, and not wanting to be guided by the Good News and Holy News of God.

So, little son, I come seeking help for my poor Church. While Satan and his minions want to divide the Church, as Mother of the Church, I come to protect her because Hell will never be able to defeat it.

My Marian Army that has listened to me will defend her; it must unite it and reunite it again in a solemn Cenacle of Love.

My Marian Army will keep the faith alive when my children are reunited with me. It will then be a faithful remnant that will suffer for the sake of the Church and my Son but which will unite. And with these souls so offered in suffering and with love, who become living hosts of oblation, the Triumph of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart will come, and thus, the Eucharistic Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will spread in the world.

The Church, which in time will be the Faithful Remnant consecrated to our United Sacred Hearts, must be crucified to be glorified and resurrected, but your good Mother, the Immaculate, will take care of you.

Pray, pray, pray, that the Lord's plans may be realized according to his Divine Will.

I love and bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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