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Little victim for Our Two Hearts, today I dictate this Chaplet to you so that my Flock, with this Devotion, may intercede so that the Gifts of Life, Peace, and Love may reign in the hearts of men.


  • Every sin against life and human dignity will be atoned for with this Chaplet.

  • Any person who desires to perform an abortion or any other crime against another human being will be enlightened and will repent of his desire to commit evil.

  • Every pregnant mother and unborn child shall be strengthened, protected, and sanctified in gestational development.

  • This Chaplet will sanctify marriages, unite families, and raise awareness in humanity.

  • This Chaplet comprises nine mysteries, each containing nine beads representing a prayer intention.


The number nine represents the nine months that I, your Jesus, was reserved in the Immaculate Tabernacle of my Holy Mother's Most Pure Womb.


May the Pro-Life Crusade and the Family Crusade be the main propagators of this Devotion.





Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin!


 By the sign of the Holy Cross,

from our enemies

 deliver us, O Lord our God.


 In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praises.

God, come to my assistance. Lord, make haste to help me.


Act of Contrition


My Lord, Jesus Christ, true God and true man, my Creator, Father and Redeemer; because You are who You are and because I love You above all things, I repent with all my heart of all the evil I have done and of all the good I have failed to do because by sinning I have offended You, who is the highest good and worthy to be loved above all things.


I offer my life, deeds, and works in reparation for my sins. I firmly propose, with the help of Your grace, to do penance, not to sin again and to flee from the occasions of sin. Lord, by the merits of your Passion and Death, with which You atoned for my sins, by offering such great and intense pain, which made You sweat Blood, have pity on me.


My Heavenly Mother, obtain from Jesus this longed for forgiveness. Amen.


Prayer of Invocation to the Holy Spirit (October 28, 2014)


Come, my God Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Most Beloved Spouse.

Come, my God Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Most Beloved Spouse.


Come, my God Holy Spirit, through the powerful intercession of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Most Beloved Spouse.




Come, Holy Spirit; fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the Fire of your Love.


V/. Send forth your Spirit, and everything will be created.

R/. And you shall renew the face of the earth.




O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Prayer to the Divine Holy Spirit (dictated on August 15, 2014)


Divine Spouse of Mary Most Holy, my God and Lord Holy Spirit, enkindle in every soul the fire of a new Pentecost, that you may consecrate us as apostles of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and apostles of the End Times. Protect the Catholic Church with your shadow, save the souls of the world, and bring the inflamed Reign of love of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Amen.






(dictated to Manuel de Jesus in the CALL TO LOVE AND CONVERSION of September 17, 2014)        


My dear Mother, who loves my soul and its salvation so much, I unite myself totally to You and put off the old man and his works (Ephesians 4:22) to die to the world and live hidden in Your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, I (...) consecrate myself to you as a servant of the Fiat and evangelizer, being an apostle of your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

I wish to live my consecration carrying Christ in my heart. Covering with my prayer, the Holy Father, cardinals, bishops, priests, deacons, religious men and women, missionaries, catechists, and all the baptized.

Mother, I desire to bring my consecration to the families and marriages on which the enemy is focusing for the destruction of the Kingdom of God. I desire to be a servant of your United Sacred Hearts, to cooperate with the salvation and evangelization of humanity and an apostle of the Triumph of your Sacred Hearts.

I renounce Satan, I renew my Baptism, I confirm my faith in Jesus Christ, and I accept His Divine Will in me. I want to be a living tabernacle of Jesus, protector of the Holy Souls in Purgatory and, also, apostle of life, sponsoring with my prayer all the innocent aborted children.

I ask for the conversion and peace of the world and desire to live in prayer, sacrifice, reparation, atonement and penance, imploring the Eternal Father for the soon return of his Son Jesus Christ, and I promise to live with Mary, for Mary, in Mary and through Mary, from today until my total and definitive surrender to the Eternal Father. Amen.

For the intentions of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, for the Triumph of Life in all hearts, and for our particular intentions...


Our Father


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


Give us this day our daily bread; forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; do not let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Amen. 


Hail Mary of the End Times:


Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.


Holy Mary, Mother of God, and our Mother, Co-Redemptrix of souls, pray for us sinners. Pour the effect of Grace of thy Flame of Love, of thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart over all humanity. Now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.




Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen


First Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and consolation to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins and the sins of the whole world.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.

Second Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for all sins committed against human dignity.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.

Third Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for all sins of impurity.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.

Fourth Mystery

In atonement, reparation, and intercession for all marriages and families throughout the world.

On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.


Fifth Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for mothers and fathers awaiting the birth of their children.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.

Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.


Sixth Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for all mothers and children who are at risk during pregnancy.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.


Seventh Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for mothers, fathers, relatives, health personnel, and all those who diagnose, counsel, support, encourage and carry out the terrible sin of abortion.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.


Eighth Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for life from conception, for unborn children, for unborn children who suffer the rejection and risk of abortion, for aborted children, and all children who have died without baptism.


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.

Ninth Mystery


In atonement, reparation, and intercession for all sins against life, abortion, euthanasia, wars and violence in all its forms, peace in the world, and the conversion of sinners.


On the large bead


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Mother, in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, Holy and Divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


On the large bead:


Sacred Heart of Jesus, may your Eucharistic Reign come to us through the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Mother in the Divine Will, and the Triumph of the Cross in the Holy Spirit, spreading the Flame of Love, holy and divine, in all hearts. Amen.


Nine times, let us pray:


Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Infant Jesus, seal us with your Holy Love, and with that Holy Love, seal all unborn children, not only those in the womb but also all unborn souls, to the love of God the Tender and Merciful Father. Amen.




Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of life, pray for us who seek refuge in You. Amen.


Mother, shelter me and separate me from the world for your Son Jesus. In your Most Pure Womb, seal me with the blood that you filled your Son, cover me with that Most Pure Blood and Flesh, and lead me to the true life in God, in his Light, in his Love. Amen.


At the end, three times:


God the Tender and Merciful Father, through the merits of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the merits of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the infinite merits of all the Holy Masses past, present, and future, we ask You, enlighten the souls of those who have died without Baptism, especially those who have had the Gift of life taken from them through abortion, and grant them the graces of Baptism. Amen.




Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Infant Jesus, through the mediation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Co-Redemptrix Mother, who gave birth to you with love. And, through the intercession of the Chaste and Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, who contemplated in ecstasy the Mystery of the Divine Incarnation and took care of you after your birth.


I ask you for (Jesus if you chose a boy or Mary if you chose a girl, or Jesus and Mary if you chose both) this unborn child whom I have spiritually adopted and who is in danger of being aborted.


I ask that you give the parents of this baby love and courage and make them apostles of the United Sacred Hearts and of the Holy Spirit so that they may allow this unborn child to live the life of holiness that you yourself have prepared for it; for the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Reign of the Holy Spirit and of your Sacred Eucharistic Heart. Amen.


† In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus


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