You have not listened, rejecting my message
Apostasy, dear son, has entered the Sanctuary, the Church, filling the houses of my Son with darkness. Many pastors of the Church walk towards their objective to modernize the Church and change the doctrine for another that is complacent with immorality and sin, causing many souls to condemn themselves for not living the Gospel.
Dear son, the revelation I make is for your heart, but through you, for the world, especially, it is a call for the Church. My maternal words have not been obeyed but put on trial and some condemned.
Many try to make a Church in their way, not in the way of the Gospel. I have come as a missionary in obedience to my Son on the Cross: Behold your Son.
Dear children, my only maternal concern is that you be faithful to the Voice of the Good Shepherd because, guided by His Voice, you will encounter the fullness of Truth and Love. But my children have not listened. You have obeyed the voice of human reason, and not the mystical and silent Voice of the Holy Spirit who guides the Church, not only through the priests who must be the first to guide, but also through its prophets, because the Church is priestly, but the devil has tempted it to forget her prophetic meaning.
Son, my Son announced to you that, despite the greatest trial, He would never leave you alone. The Scripture teaches the Church what they should do to remain faithful to the command of Jesus and how many hearts have forgotten it. The Lord sends me only to do what my Son told you.
I come in search of the salvation of the Church of Jesus Christ, overwhelmed by confusion, pride, and competition for positions, and have forgotten that the purpose of the Church is the salvation of souls.
Little son, since they have not listened to me, many -half of these people- are going to a great abyss, for they want to conduct their human projects in a divine institution.
Little son, pray because apostasy takes its place in this battle and has begun to destroy many souls; pray that you may discern the signs that my Son transmits to you and sends through Me.
Little son, I suffer much because they have rejected me. They have had very little faith and, without the light of faith, have allowed themselves to be confused. Pray for all pastors who are being tried.
I love you and bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
