Take advantage of the spiritual and corporal help we give you on behalf of the Most Holy Trinity.
Dear son of my Immaculate Heart, just as in the Old Testament and the New Testament - and even some works performed by my Son - so too, Heaven, which is my Son, because He is Eternal Life, comes to ask you to keep and conserve signs, elements of nature, and material help that the Father's Creation has given you for these End Times, times of great calamity, sufferings, and trials.
Just as my Son used signs to heal so many hearts, we ask you to take advantage of the remedies we have revealed through many servants and prophets.
New, very painful diseases will come, especially for the tissues of the body, because solar radiation and nuclear energy escape into the environment, causing many diseases, viruses, and epidemics that my children ignore their origin. For this, we have given you many remedies; one of them that I now give you is the use of honey; it must be blessed because when ingested a spoonful three times a day, it will heal wounds of the body and the heart.
Use water from the Miracle or of Grace Fountains that I gave you.
The roses they put on my altars will serve multiple illnesses; you can eat their petals or make them into tea. Son, the blessed roses immersed in pure olive oil must rest in the oil for nine days, 13 days, and even if so planned, 33 days on the altar in your homes or my Marian Shelters. It does not matter if you place the whole rose or the petals in the oil; the quantity is not necessary. The oil will be a soft balsam with my protection so that you will always anoint yourself, and the sick will feel my Motherly caresses. It is very important and does not replace the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
The blessed grapes will be a provision for my children.
Wear the medal known as 'the Miraculous' although it is the medal of our United Sacred Hearts.
Wear the medal of Saint Benedict and my Scapular, the one from Carmel or the one I have given you for the End Times, which gathers all the graces and promises.
Have holy images and books, especially the Holy Scriptures and the messages that we have given you. These will explain nothing more than what has been revealed and guide you as loving advice.
In your hands, the Holy Rosary must not be lacking.
Son, I have given humanity numerous Mother's counsels. Use them well. They are a channel of graces, shields, and armor to protect you from the adversary's reprisals.
Obey my Calls to Love and Conversion.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
