Little children of my Immaculate Heart, I love and bless you.
I give my maternal blessing to all my children so they may receive the Kingdom of God in their hearts. The Kingdom of God is purity and holiness; you must have a clean heart to enter with the festive garment.
The Flame of Love of my Immaculate Heart will purify the garment of your soul so that you remain clean. The Flame of Love of my Immaculate Heart is the fire that I received at Pentecost. The Flame of Love of my Immaculate Heart will cleanse your soul, consume your defects, and transform you into love. Love for God, love for your brothers and sisters. Part of that love is suffering and forgiving. Part of that love is loving even without being reciprocated because God is the one who reciprocates your love.
Dear children, live my Flame of Love, ask for my Flame of Love, and invoke my Flame of Love, which is a channel of grace for all of you in the blessing of the Lord. In my Flame of Love, in the Divine Will, you will be transformed into the image and likeness of my Son Jesus. Suffer patiently and in silence. Love with perseverance and with zeal for the salvation of souls.
I love and bless you. I bless everything you have put under my feet. Children, take advantage of the medicine we have given you. If you have a wound in your heart, drink the honey that I bless you. This honey represents the sweetness of the sacrifice of my Son on the Cross that heals every wound caused by sin.
I love you and bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
