Dear children of my maternal heart, I wish you to open yourselves to peace with God. Children of my Immaculate Heart, receive God’s presence in your hearts and in your lives through prayer. Therefore, it is important that you pray, because through prayer you receive many graces from my Son, through prayer you will obtain peace of heart, through prayer men are reconciled with each other and also with God; in prayer man is purified by the Holy Spirit.
My children, a fruit of the Divine Mercy of my Son for mankind is the gift of prayer, so that men may be in constant union with him, and that united with my Son in prayer you may receive the price of your salvation.
My little children, my Son on the Cross manifested his Divine Mercy and the Blood and Water that flowed from his Heart reached the whole world through my Immaculate Heart. My Immaculate Heart is the channel of Divine Mercy to men; the Divine Mercy of my Son Jesus reaches the world through my Maternal Coredemption. Therefore, my children, prayer is the fruit of the Divine Mercy and my Coredemption.
Pray, children, for the enemy not to divide your families; pray for peace of heart; pray for the world to be liberated from violence, hatred and error; pray for the persecuted Church, for the suffering Church.
I give you my Motherly Blessing: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.