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Consecrate your people to Our United Hearts.


Write, my little secretary; I want to teach you again to honor my Sacred and Eucharistic Heart.


My Heart explodes with love and overflows with sweetness when you lean on my breast and listen to my teachings; may every soul do so.


Little son, for this, it is not necessary to have great gifts and charisms or to live outside of human reality. You do not need to be an expert to pray so that you may rest your hearts on my loving Heart. You can do it from the prayer that is born of simple, humble hearts, little children's hearts that, when they hear the voice of their parents, they listen, and when their parents ask them for something, they do it from humility. Thus, with that confidence, prompt, sure, and lasting, I want you to be.


Little son, I desire anew that every man and woman, every family and community, every people and race, in unity with the Church, consecrate anew the peoples to Our Two Hearts so that they may be preserved from corruption, from sin, from the occult, from evil, from violence, from war, from natural disasters, from idolatry and paganism.


Thus, your peoples, surrendered to my Sacred Heart and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Mother, will encounter peace, harmony, freedom according to the Gospel, and the progress of souls.


Consecrate your people before the final hour, and you will be sprinkled with the Blood of the Lamb. Consecrate now; it is urgent, little children:


Do it this way:


Sacred Heart of Jesus formed in the Most Pure Womb of Mary Immaculate Mediatrix of graces and Co-Redemptrix of souls, we prostrate ourselves in humility, repentance, praise, and thanksgiving at your feet in the Most Holy Eucharist and full of love, obedience, and faith, we want to listen to your voice as the Good Shepherd; we want to be children of your love and desire your love from our littleness, for we want and desire to become more united with your Sacred and Eucharistic Heart present from the Cross from which Water and Blood flowed to wash and redeem us.


Jesus Christ, Lord of history, Master of time, Name above all names, and Prince of Peace; we pray in the name of your Sacred Heart, sacrificed and crucified, to the Father Yahweh, Our Father, for the liberation of my people from the yoke of sin and from the slavery of the devil, for the healing of our sick, and for the conversion of sinners, especially the most hardened in sin, the sanctity of families, may there be men and women who, with their crosses on their shoulders, follow your path and help the poor, the marginalized, the sick, support the helpless and strengthen those who suffer.


Sprinkle with your Precious Blood, the honey of the Holy Cross, on my people (NAME OF THE COUNTRY), that from one pole to another of my people, the Precious Blood of the Lamb that has been slain may flow like springs of Mercy.


Seal and consecrate especially your faithful, bishops and priests, and religious men and women to be living examples of apostolic holiness. Seal and consecrate beloved Heart of Jesus deeply united to the Sorrowful and Immaculate of Mary who rule and reign, triumph and conquer from the Glorious Cross, the unborn and aborted children; children and youth; men and women; old and sick; sinners and righteous; living as dead and loosens from this nation all retaliation, curse, ligament, bondage of Satan and his followers.


We ask for the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel and our Father Protector Saint Joseph, Pure Scourge, and Terror of the Demons.


O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary! Protect my nation, save my nation, and call my nation with your motherly voice. And with this consecration of this nation to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, bring your prompt Triumph, and thus the Eucharistic Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, may be established among my nation and in the whole world.


We beseech You and surrender everything in Divine Will. Amen.


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ reign in my life and in the life of all men.

Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ save the Church and save the world.

Precious Blood of Jesus Christ free souls and destroy Satan.


Little son, pray for your people, suffer and atone for this people, who still need to be purified, so that they may be more beautiful, cleaner, and pruner in the eyes of my Eternal Father.


I love and bless you. Always listen as a good disciple to the Word of your Divine Master, who loves you.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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