Beloved son of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart:
The Apostolate is a grace for the whole Church and for all humanity which, God the Tender and Merciful Father, in His divine providence, had prepared. Therefore, the Apostolate is the Great Work of the Heart of my Son Jesus, because it is the True Devotion to his Sacred Heart, finding its fullness in the holy sacrifice of the Eucharist.
And, my Son Jesus and I, have asked the Father for this humble land to establish in it a Garden of Reparation. In a garden two hearts disobeyed the Father. In this Garden, which we have erected in this land so beloved by our Sacred Hearts, my Son Jesus and I want to make reparation to the Father and unite to this Great Reparation all humanity.
Therefore, the Garden of our Sacred Hearts and the Apostolate are a Work of Reparation.
I give you my maternal blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.