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Dear children, I wanted to manifest myself to men not only as God but also by taking flesh and blood from my Heavenly Mother. I was born as a man and to be a close God, a God who is a friend, a God who is the husband of souls. My Eternal Father has sent me to teach you about his infinite love and my Divine Spirit has been poured out upon all of you, so that you may know the truth.

Beloved children, my Sacred Heart reveals its love, its closeness and its desire to be with the creature; the fullest form in which I encounter man is in the Holy Eucharist, where I give my body, so that man may be nourished and be one life with me. But I also manifest my heart, as a special grace, in my last Calls to Love and Conversion by calling creatures back to God, teaching, exhorting and revealing my eternal love for you. But humanity remains indifferent, you have forgotten the precious value of the Holy Eucharist and by forgetting, ignoring and being indifferent to the greatest treasure you have, you also become indifferent to my Calls to Love.

Dear children, understand that there are many voices speaking with much noise, so I have given my Calls to Love through this work of my heart, so that the souls may return to the Church, return to the Sacraments and return to my heart.

Dear children, I exhort you: attend to what is important, attend to my Calls and do not let yourselves be confused by more noise, because noise moves you away from what is important. I am giving you my last Calls to Love. Listen to me and open your hearts to our United Hearts and do not allow the enemy to lead you astray from the path to our Sacred Hearts.

This is the dwelling of our United Sacred Hearts, and from here we call all the apostles of these times. I love you infinitely. My love and mercy know no bounds.

Open your hearts to my love!

I invite you again to listen to our Calls and you will not be confused.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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