Praise be to the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ.
My dear spiritual son:
It has been the Holy Spirit and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, who begged the Father for a very little soul and, through that soul, to carry out the plans of the Two Sacred Hearts in the world. And that very little and poor soul is you.
That is why the Eucharistic Heart of the Divine Spouse crucifies you, constantly, together with Him, to offer yourself to the Merciful Father for the realization of the Divine Volitions of the Divine Will and the Reign of the Sacred Hearts in all humanity.
Therefore, little son, your mission is to be a victim with the Eucharistic Heart of the beloved and divine Spouse, Jesus Christ, and to be a herald of the Last Calls to Conversion.
And I, Pio of Pietrelcina, bless you as your spiritual father.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.