My Mother's Work against the evil spirits.
Little son, my Mother's Help, in these End Times, in all humanity also reaches out to those little children who suffer from the influences and reprisals of the adversary. Demons are expelled by the Holy Spirit - through my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart - from tormented souls.
My manifestations in the world, requested by the Eternal Father, are not only a great help, but they are also a war against the infernal dragon; it is an arduous battle for the salvation or damnation of souls.
In these End Times, a very strong battle is being waged against Heaven and Earth.
There are many souls to be saved, little son, and my presence comes to purify my children. Because wherever I go, wherever I manifest myself, I bring the purity of the Holy Spirit, and I bring a great Army of Angels and Saints to fight for souls, to save many souls.
That is why they - that is, the enemies of the soul who flee where I come, the demons - are expelled because I carry Jesus. Since their defeat is imminent because the Woman Clothed with the Sun - who is the beautiful Ray of the Dawn, imposing as a Battalion, great and illustrious Defender of the Church, of my children - I come to you to enlist you in the Army of God, who must face, souls who must overcome evil, who must cleanse the world of evil with your prayers, sacrifices, fasting, with a life of pure prayer and full of love for the world, a sacrificial surrender for the world.
Conquer with my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, conquering souls for my Son Jesus.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
