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She has come as a six-year-old girl, with a big pink dress, her hands open, and a little heart full of fire in her chest, her hair loose and shiny honey color, in her right hand hangs a rosary. Our Mom says:

Children of my Immaculate Heart, I invite you to honor the merits of my childhood. Little ones, My childhood was totally consecrated to the Lord. Since I was given birth to the world by my mother Saint Anne, I was dedicated, consecrated and surrendered by the arms of my earthly parents to the arms of the Eternal Father to serve him in his temple.

Little children, since my childhood, I trusted, hoped and believed in the Lord, and prayed for the coming of the promised Messiah, whose mercy of my Father chose me to be the Mother of the Redeemer Messiah.

Little children, honor, meditate and contemplate the merits of my childhood. The Child Mary lived purity, lived simplicity, lived humility and above all holy love.

Little children, when you think and meditate on my infancy, these graces and virtues will be communicated to your hearts through my maternal hands full of many blessings for men.

Little ones, be also little ones, do not separate yourselves from the arms of the Almighty Father, do not think that you are sufficient but that you need the mercy of Jesus.

Let your hearts be the hearts of children, for he who becomes like a child in the spirit will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of the Divine Will is the Kingdom of the little hearts that surrender like the bread of the Holy Host in oblation and sacrifice.

Little children, by the merits of my childhood live my message and receive peace. Your Mother, the Child Mary, blesses you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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