Dear children of my Chaste and Loving Heart:
For these End Times there was reserved an outpouring of graces that the Most Holy Trinity would grant through the Heart of the Mother. And, as custodian of those graces, my Chaste and Loving Heart would manifest itself. And, I would also be, for the children of the Woman Clothed with the Sun: the apostles of the End Times, a model and example of consecration to the Heart of Jesus through the Heart of our Lady.
The Apostolate is a universal call that gathers the apostles of the End Times, so that, with prayer, fasting and living the Calls, they may ask and pray for the coming of the Reign of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.
With the Apostolate, children, the Era of the Three Hearts has begun. Our Three Hearts will reign in the souls, through the Holy Spirit.
With my Chaste and Loving Heart, model of surrender to Jesus and Mary, I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.