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April 6, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Chaste and Loving Heart of Saint Joseph

Dear children:

I invite you to consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary every moment of your lives, may your hearts be united with her Immaculate Heart. May the beating of your little hearts be united with the beating of her Maternal Heart united with this Heart will give much more glory to God and every beating of your little hearts will be a FIAT proclaimed by the Heart of Mary, with Mary, for Jesus.

My children, to be servants of Jesus Christ we must depend totally on Mary. We must be born of Mary and we must live with and in Mary, because only through her do we become good servants of Jesus Christ.

Mary has been entrusted with gathering and forming the entire army of the apostles of these end times, so accept her call with love, with obedience and be members of her army of the faithful remnant.

Children, when a nation is consecrated to the two hearts of Jesus and Mary, many things that polluted that the dragon had thrown up on this nation are destroyed. When a nation is consecrated to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, its chains are freed, its knots are loosened and it can walk freely towards Jesus, but it needs souls that surrender, souls that offer themselves, souls that do it, so that we may conquer many souls for Jesus through the Total Consecration to Mary.

Therefore, my children, each day renew your consecration to our United Hearts. Each day renew the Consecration of this nation to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary so that the Holy Spirit may act and pour out like a new Pentecost on the willing and humble hearts. Live the example of the home of Nazareth. Live in peace. Thank you for listening to Saint Joseph, virginal husband of the Blessed Virgin, and to this image that you have placed on my Altar I also give my Blessing.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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