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Dear children of my Most Chaste Heart, you must understand that the Divine Will is the Creative Act of God, it is the power to create, and the Father wants to give this same Divine Will to his children.

He has manifested it so that men could live it in the Old Testament: by giving the Holy Commandments, and in the New Testament by giving, through his Son, the Gospel.

In the Holy Word of God is written the Divine Will, that is, what God wants you to do.

And, the Father has allowed that in these End Times, our three Sacred Hearts would transmit to the world, through the Calls to Love, his Divine Will, reaffirming the Word of God and leading the souls to the Church.

My children:

In the mystery of the Assumption of Our Lady, contemplate what the Divine Will achieves: it glorifies the creature, when the creature lives in the Holy Will of God.

Therefore, Our Lady was raised in Body and Soul to the Throne of God because no one after Jesus Christ, lived the Divine Will so perfectly, but in Love, as Our Lady.

Mary teaches us that God does not want us to be slaves doing his will, He wants us to be free, but this freedom is only fulfilling the Holy Will of the Father.

That is why the Most Holy Trinity raised the Holy Mother to such a great state of glory, because she lived the Divine Will with love.

I want all Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of these End Times, every August 15, to celebrate the glorification of the Divine Will, because the Assumption of Our Lady is the most vivid testimony of that glorification.

To live the Will of God is easy, dear children, just say “no” to your inclinations and sins and say “yes” to the Calls to Love that want to lead you to a perfect practice of the Word of God. Glorify the Divine Will manifested in the Assumption of Our Lady and contemplate how the creature is so greatly exalted when it lives in the Will of God.

I, your Father Saint Joseph, together with the Holy Mother, Queen and Lady of the Divine Will, bless you.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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