The Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary are called to a life of service and dedication. They do not refuse the Work of God. Their hands work for the building of the Kingdom. Their pilgrim feet conquer souls for Jesus and Mary. Their hearts are in love with the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
These Apostles should not be afraid to give themselves to the Work of Salvation. Since their Baptism, they are called to be Apostles. Very few souls are aware of this. Be faithful, Apostles. Do not be afraid to serve the Lord in and out of season. Remember the Holy Prophets and Patriarchs of the Lord’s People: they did not deny their life and work to the History of Salvation. So, dear children, do not deny your life and work to build the Kingdom of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Live, act, and pray in the Divine Will of God.
Always, dear children, ask yourselves what God's divine will is to act in His commandments and in His laws and to live His Word. My Chaste and Loving Heart intercede for all the children of Mary and the apostles of Jesus Christ.
I love you and I bless you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.