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Children of my Chaste and Loving Heart, I desire you to understand my spiritual fatherhood over you. This great Apostolate is contained in the Book of Genesis, chapter 3, verse 15. In that passage of scripture, the Woman is announced, her Son is announced, her Lineage is announced, Mary, Jesus Christ and all of us.

The first to live, to know, the mystery of this Apostolate was I, Saint Joseph, because I was and am the first apostle of the two hearts. I was the first to consecrate myself to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of our Lady, consecrating myself to her as a virgin spouse and, through her, I consecrated myself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I am, by the Divine Will, the initiator of this Apostolate, from which all those who recognize Mary as a mother and Jesus as Lord follow the path of consecration that I initiated. Therefore, I become a protector, but by being Jesus’ adoptive father, I become the adoptive father of all his disciples and apostles, not only the adoptive father of the head, Jesus Christ, but of his body, the faithful, the church.

All the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of these End Times are also my children, whom I protect, care for, and guard from Herod, the dragon, and the beast of these End Times. Therefore, my children, for this beautiful mystery, heaven sends me, and sends my Chaste and Loving Heart, which is ever aflame with love for Jesus and Mary, to show me as the father of the Apostles of these times.

Contemplate my heart, love my heart, and also consecrate yourselves to my heart, so that I may lead you, that I may carry you in my father’s arms, to the heart of the lady, that as children, held in my hands and taken from the hands of our lady, you may prostrate yourselves at the feet of Jesus, because all honor, power, and glory must be given to his name.

I am Saint Joseph and my Chaste and Loving Heart is the devotion of these End Times; therefore, I ask you, that every Wednesday all the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts meditate on my Seven Sorrows and Joys with the Calls to Love and Conversion that I have transmitted to you by order of God.

My children, I love you, I love you, and I reflect for you the immense fatherly love of God. And my heart, little Carmelite, is over your chest taking care of the alliance of their two hearts with yours, as a sign and a call that our three hearts want and desire to come close to men, to the family. The Church needs holy families, so that the world may be saved.

I bless and keep you as a Father Protector, and in love with my children.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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