Dear children, the hours are shortening, the day is drawing to a close, the darkness is advancing, and the war against the children of God has begun. It is a secret war, silent and hidden, that will shake the faith of many. It will stagger the foundations of the House of the Lord, but it will prevail, and many hearts will be confused.
My children, just as I protected my beloved spouse Mary and the Child Jesus when we fled to Egypt through the desert, I will protect the Children of the Mother, the Apostles of Jesus Christ, and I will guide them to the Temple of the Lord. Saint Michael, the Archangel, and the angels will fight for you.
My children, faithful remnant, have great confidence. Do not doubt my words, but only do, in obedience, what is asked of you. The Divine Providence is with you. Trust and abandon yourselves a lot. However, keep everything you need for yourselves and your families in your homes
. Sprinkle holy water frequently, but do not lose your peace.
Pray much, pray always. My Father's protection is with you.
I love you and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
