From my Eucharistic Heart my Apostolate has sprung up as the fruit of my unfathomable mercy. This Apostolate prophesied in Revelation 12, prophesied by Saint Louis de Montfort, is the great work of my Sacred Heart; it is great because with this work I will expand in mankind the Eucharistic Reign of my Heart; it is great because with the Cenacles of Prayer and the Last Calls to Love and Conversion we prepare hearts for the Triumph of the Maternal Heart of my Mother Queen, and when the heart of the Heavenly Queen triumphs, the Holy Spirit will descend over all creation, bringing about a new Pentecost.
My Apostolate prepares and prays, so that these graces may come to humanity. This Apostolate lives from the spirituality of the Cross, my Sacred Heart united in the Cross; a spirituality that I have revealed to Saint Angela of Foligno and Luisa Picarretta; a spirituality of the Cross that I have revealed to Concepción Cabrera; a spirituality of the Cross that I have come to announce with this Apostolate to humanity.
This work of my Sacred Heart is also the Work of the Cross, the Glorious Cross of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart. And with my Heart united to the Cross, I bless humanity.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.