My children, as protector of the Church, I gather the children of the Lord in his House because the darkness advances, and the general confusion worsens. The hearts of men have forgotten God and his Law.
The world must be purified to be renewed; my children and many hearts do not understand the urgency of their conversion. Everything is about to happen. The Lord's prophecies will be fulfilled in everyone for the good of his Faithful Remnant.
Therefore, my children, the Holy Family of Nazareth is calling you to:
• return to the Father's House,
• to return to the Law of God and the Holy Gospel,
• to Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Communion.
Time is urgent. And the dragon is advancing, contaminating many souls. While many fall into lethargy and discouragement, Satan condemns many souls. It is time to be true children of the Mother and to rise as her Militant and Triumphant Army because the hour of battle has already begun in your hearts, but the Tribulation is at your doors because the world fails to convert.
During all this time, I count on my intercession and the help that the divine will gives to its faithful remnant.
The Holy Family of Nazareth loves and blesses you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
