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Little lily crucified with Jesus, transmit without discouragement our Last Calls to Love and Conversion. Do not be saddened if men respond or not to the call of conversion.

You transmit for humanity must respond for itself to live the call of God or to reject it. You, little son, only transmit what heaven desires to say to the world.

To consecrate oneself to the Sacred Hearts is also a way of living. It is not only to make an act of piety; it is to practice the consecration day by day, with testimony and fidelity.

I, Saint Joseph, made acts of faith and piety, but I lived my consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary daily, in my work and in my fatigue, in having or in scarcity, in joy and in suffering; day by day, I put into practice my dedication to Jesus and Mary.

Dear children:

I invite you to faithfully put into practice the consecration you have made to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, by living and faithfully obeying the Calls to Love and Conversion, in the light of the Word of God, and that in all your ordinary life you make it distinct from the world, placing your heart in God at every moment and striving, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to live these Last Calls to Love and Conversion for humanity.

These Last Calls have been a grace of God’s mercy, but humanity also, has rejected these Last Calls.

Pray, pray in truth, so that you too may be truly converted and have true peace, which is born from the heart that is with God. Those who are with God should not fear, because he who fears is doubting the Love of God.

Dear children:

Increase your trust in God, as I too learned from Jesus and Mary in Nazareth.

I give you my Fatherly Blessing.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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